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A Goldfish Christmas

Mork is the name

A Goldfish by fame.

I live in a bowl

 That spins and rolls.

Wend-ee, my Wend-ee

She loves me so

AS I swim around

My goldfish bowl.

I heard her talk

To a friend one day.

She said Christmas

 Was on its way.

She was excited

As I could see

By her rosy red cheeks

Smiling back at me.

As I watched her

 From afar

Her hair flew round

As she jumped

 Up and down.

Mork Oh Mork

 You silly goldfish

You could care less

You’re only a fish.

Not true, not true, Wend-ee

 hear me, please

I just want to decorate

My own Christmas Tree.

How can I say this


When you don’t even

Speak fish-e-nese.

Here is your food

 You hungry fish-ie

Enjoy it there’s more

 When you finish this.

I have a tree in my bowl

As you can see

I could decorate it

With the food you give me.

Maybe she’ll get

 The idea fin-a-le

That I want my bowl

To look like a tree

Mork oh Mork

You silly goldfish

What are you doing

Giving me fits.

You silly girl

Can’t you see

I’m decorating

My Christ-mas Tree.

I don’t believe it

But I think I see

 You want to decorate

A Christmas tree.

I’ll bring you Lights

And other delights

 Do your thing

I’ll check back tonight.

0h Mork oh Mork

 I see by your heart

This Christmas Tree

Really look’s smart.

Linda Meckler/author 6/03

Thank you for reading my poem. Copyright Linda Meckler 2021

Updated 2021

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A Goldfish Halloween


My name is Mork

I am a goldfish

I live by my wit’

And do what I wish

Wendee my Wendee

I love it so

When you talk, to me

through my goldfish bowl

Mork guess what

It’s time for fun

It’s Halloween

And it has begun

Candy, Candy

I do shout

There’s always more

When you run out

It’s time to dress-up

And to play make believe

I can be anyone

That I please

Why am I telling you

You silly goldfish

You can’t celebrate Halloween

Even if I wish

Wendee, Wendee

Is that what you think.

I swim around all day

And I think

I want to celebrate

 and have some fun

But I need a costume

Can you make me one?

I will slip beneath

The vines that twine

And wear a costume

That’s simply de-vine

Mork Oh Mork

You smart little fish

You understood what I said

I will do what you wish

I’ll bring you some things

Do as you please

I’ll be back

Then we’ll see

Oh Mork, my Mork

You smart little boy

Your costume is great

And you look full of joy

How do you do this

You smart little fish

Nobody would believe me

If I didn’t have this

The picture is great

And I must be insane

For you to be my fish

And to have a brain

Mork oh Mork

You look so great

This Halloween

You’ll be my date

Mork oh  Mork

I see by your tail

That you accept the date

And think it’s swell

Thank you for reading my second Mork poem. There is one more to go.

Copyright 2003 updated 2021

Linda Meckler


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A Goldfish Christmas


Mork is the name

A Goldfish by fame.

I live in a bowl

 That spins and rolls.

Wend-ee, my Wend-ee

She loves me  

As I swim round

My goldfish bowl.

I heard her talk

To a friend one day.

She said Christmas

 Was on its way.

She was excited

As I could see

By her rosy red cheeks

Smiling back at me.

As I watched her

 From afar

Her hair flew Round

As she jumped

 Up and down.

Mork Oh Mork

 You silly goldfish

You could care less

You’re only a fish.

Not true, not true, Wend-ee

 hear me please

I just want to decorate

My own Christmas Tree.

How can I say this

So you can hear me

 When you don’t even

Speak fish-e-nese.

Here is your food

 You hungry fish

Enjoy it there’s more

 When you finish this.

I have a tree in my bowl

As you can see

I can decorate it

With the food you give me.

Maybe she’ll get

 The idea fin-a-le

That I want my bowl

To look like a tree

Mork oh Mork

You silly gold fish

What are you doing

Giving me fits.

You silly girl

Can’t you see

I’m decorating

My own Christ-mas Tree.

I don’t believe it

But I think I see

 You want to decorate

A Christmas tree.

I’ll bring you Lights

And other delights

 Do your thing

I’ll check tonight.

0h Mork oh Mork

 I see by your heart

This Christmas Tree

Really look’s smart.

I wrote this along with two other Mork poems in 2003. They were going to be books. The picture is of my daughter Wendy when she was about seven.

Linda Meckler/author 6/03

Copyright 2021