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Self-Published Editing


When I read a book the first page, I look at is the page with the date of publishing.

When I’m reading the book, I can easily find mistakes. Missing words in a sentence are easy to spot.

Then there are the misaligned sentences.

Incorrect: What I mean by that is when I read a book and the words

in the sentence are dropped in the middle.

Correct: What I mean by that is when I read a book and the words in the sentence are dropped in the middle.

Before I became an author, I never noticed missing words, dropped sentences, punctuation, or quotation marks. But now I do.

The thing that drives me crazy is the quotation marks in the wrong place.

Wrong: “I am going to the store”.

Correct: “I am going to the store.”

In my book Editing Fiction Mistakes. In this book, it demonstrates the correct and incorrect usage of punctuation.

I am not an expert but when I was teaching a class on book formatting and book publishing, I wrote this book with the continuous mistakes I saw.

Thank you for reading my article.  Copyright 2023 Linda Meckler

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Israel Under Attack

What is going on in the world is ______fill in your own words. I can’t think of the right ones. Israel attacked again. Who gets hurt in these attacks? The innocent women and children.

Where did the money come from to start and continue this war?

 We are talking billions of dollars. Do you know how much money that is? May brain doesn’t count that high. The rockets are being shot into the air and coming down killing and maiming innocent people.

Will the United States get into this war? That is the question on everybody’s mind. If The US does get into this war, I think it will be over fast.

I hope, our president has the guts to lead our country.

Copyright 2023 Linda Meckler

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New Mattress Fraud

Did you ever purchase a brand-new mattress and when it was delivered it was flawed.

This happened to me. When I went to lay down on my mattress that evening, I was shocked and amazed. In the middle of the mattress was a huge crevice.

The left side was lower and softer and the right side higher and harder. This mattress was supposed to be a firm mattress.

I called the company immediately and the women informed me that she would send someone to measure the mattress depth.

It had to be a full inch before they could exchange it.

The man came out and measured the top of the mattress and took pictures.

Now looking at the mattress you do not see the lump. You have to lay on the mattress in order to feel the lump.

So, I ask you. Why are they measuring on the top of the mattress where the lump does not show.

When the women called me back, she said, “yes there is an imperfection but it was only ¼ of an inch,


The sorry means that if I want another matters exactly like the one I purchased I have to pay for it again.

If I want another mattress, I can trade it and pay the price difference and pay for the delivery.

Was I mad. I was furious. She didn’t have to sleep on an uncomfortable brand-new mattress.

What happened to customer service? When something is delivered defective no matter what if the customer is not happy the company should make the customer happy by giving the customer a mattress that is not defective. 

Did this ever happen to you?

What do you think? Copy right Linda Meckler 2023

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Writer’s How to Publish Free

I’ve written a book. Now what? What do I do with it? The first thing I think of is a publisher costs money. The next thing is a professional editor and of course I need a cover.

All these things cost money and I am not counting copyright expenses or a ISBN number.

These are the expenses I will need to think about when I want to publish my book.

I will tell you, my story. My first two books I published I went through a publishing company. It was expensive. But then I kept writing and I could not afford to self-publish my next book or the books after that.

I learned how to do everything myself and guess what it didn’t cost me a cent.

Then I taught a class at a senior school and now many people who didn’t think they could become a published author achieved their goal.

After my teaching career was concluded I wrote two books. Writer’s How to Publish Free and Editing Fiction Mistakes.

If you truly want to become a published author read my book Writer’s How to Publish Free and the book with the most common fiction mistakes Editing Fiction Mistakes.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2023

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Audio Books

I have learned how to format and publish e-books, paperback books, and hardcover books. Now I am off to a new goal. Audiobooks. I am going to tackle the hardest format yet. There is a huge market for audiobooks.

I tried years ago to create my own audiobook with my voice. I purchased some software on the computer. It would take 10 CDs to complete the book. I was onto cd number 5 when everything crashed. I never tried again.

I watched a web meeting and the man who was hosting it made it sound easy. I am going to try again. All I needed was 3 things.

A microphone.

A filter for the microphone.

Over-the-ear headphones.

The hardest part was the editing. I hope I can do this. I want to do the entire book from start to finish on my own. At my age, it is unbelievable to reach a new goal.

I hope, all you authors out there, or who want to be authors will start a new goal.

My book Writer’s How To Publish Free is for formatting and publishing e-books, paperback, hardcover books.

Whatever, it is go for it.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2023

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Transferring When Can’t Walk

I went to work one morning and didn’t have any idea of what the day had in store for me. I was a caregiver. I went into people’s houses and helped them. On this particular morning, I was transporting a woman to the doctor. She was sleeping and leaped out of bed and said,” “let’s go.”

She started walking fast down the hallway with me running behind. I had never been in this house before. The next thing I remember was sitting on a step almost on the floor of a garage.

My ankles were turned backward but there wasn’t any blood. The woman put a blanket over me and we waited for the ambulance. It wasn’t long but it felt like forever. The ambulance people had me stand up and take a couple of steps to the gurney. Then I was transported to the hospital. My life had changed.

My ankles were x-rayed and to my horror, I had broken three bones in each ankle. The next day I was in surgery and my ankles were loaded with hardware. 15 screws and a plate in my left ankle and 2 screws and one plate in my right.

Not being able to walk I had to learn how to transfer myself from the bed to a chair and a portable toilet. I transferred myself from the bed to a wheelchair using my arms. I stayed in the hospital for a week and went to a rehabilitation hospital. My life was now in a wheelchair.

I worked with the physical therapist daily to straighten my arms as well as my core stomach muscles. I will never forget when the therapist and I went outside. When I graduated to a walker she said, “stand up and walk up the steps.” I stood up and put my foot on the first step. I couldn’t believe it. I was hanging on to the handrail for dear life. I couldn’t bring my weight to pull myself up one step. It takes a lot of strength to walk up and down stairs. You use your hips to walk upstairs and your knees to walk down. I flunked that test. After that, we worked for a week on strengthening my hips and knees to walk up and down stairs. I was in rehab for three months and finally went home.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2023

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Cuddle and Snuggle

Do you love to snuggle on the sofa with your loved one? Do you plan your time around this special romantic time? Do you sometimes wish the recliner would disappear when your loved one chooses it instead of you.

There is always the bed. In bed you can snuggle all you want.

I am speaking to the woman in this article. I want you to think deep down into your mind and tell me you love recliners. Or do you want to touch the end of your nose like Samantha on Bewitched and the recliner will disappear?

I am speaking to you and your loved one. Don’t you love to cuddle up on the sofa while watching television or a movie? Don’t you love to snuggle on the sofa and listen to music and just be happy sitting on the sofa next to each other? This is extremely romantic and it is what women crave after their long day at work or home.

When you have a recliner your loved one will usually choose the recliner to watch television. Men do not think like a woman. A woman loves to cuddle and snuggle against their loved one’s chest. They can not get close enough. If possible, they would climb right into their lover’s skin. In this way, they feel protected and special. Men love their comfort and let’s face it recliners are comfortable.

You could set some rules when watching television with your loved one. When you want to cuddle and feel close, you can send him a private signal you have set up in advance. If you are not in the mood, he can sit on the reclining chair alone.

Your loved one can always sit in the recliner during the day when the kids are running around your home. He can always sit in the recliner when you are not at home.

There can always be a balance in your private loving time together. Keep your romance hot and alive with your special cuddle and snuggle time. Trade the recliner in for a double recliner or go to the bedroom.

Copyright 2006 Linda E. Meckler updated 2023

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New Year Bursting

New Year Bursting

This year is going to be a better year than the last few years.

I can feel it.

Can you?

I have a clean slate to make it what I want.

I for one am doing activities I haven’t been able to do since Covid hit.

I’m getting out of the house and meeting people.

I’m taking a class and will be assisting in a class.

My energy is high.

My spirit is high.

I am excited about this coming year.

I hope you are also.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2023

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Grandparents Are

Grandparents Are Important

Young grandchildren:

Stabilizers for the parents


Read to child

Play with child

Talk to child

Bathe and dress child

Teach child

Love child

Hold child

Family get togethers


Same as above

Art work together

Play games together

Read together

Sports together

Talk together

Work puzzles

Read bible stories

Go to their activities

Keep Good relationship with parents

Love them

Send gifts and pictures



Playing computer games


Talk about God

Keep communication open with parents

Family Get Togethers

Send gifts and pictures

Make an appointment to see them

Keep Good Relationship with parents

Out on their own

Phone calls

Text messages


Family Get Togethers

Love them

Send gifts and pictures

Make an appointment to see them

Keep good relationship with parents

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Medicare HMO Horrors

I have worked in medical insurance billing for almost thirty years. I have said repeatedly that the insurance companies practice medicine.

In an article in the AARP June Bulletin 2022, there is an article that does indeed prove what I have said.

This article states that when Medical Providers see their patients and require pre-authorization for testing, or surgery Medicare denies it.

Federal Investigators reviewed a week of these inquiries in 2019 and found that those denied 13% should have been authorized under the original Medicare rules. 85,000 requests that year were wrongfully denied.

What about the years before and after 2019?

Do not take for granted when something is denied that is denied permanently.

A medical appeal can always be sent to Medicare. If a medical provider requests pre-authorization for a test, surgery, etc. that means the patient needs it. If the patient does not receive the care needed, you can use your imagination as to the result.

Thank you for reading my article. My books Medicare and Other Health Insurance and Appeal and Collection Letters for Medical Providers are on

Copyright Linda Meckler 2022