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Should Spouses Share A Bank Account?

This is a hot topic and one in which I can honestly say happened to me. I was married for years and we had one bank account. Way back then I could not check my banking account online as I could now and I stupidly trusted my husband.  But one day when I was in the bank the clerk gave me a printout of my account. My eyes blew open.

My lovely spouse was doing all kinds of strange things with our account. With this knowledge, I was able to present his indiscretions to him.

Shortly after this, we got a legal separation.

Why a legal separation?

He was military retired and for me to keep my medical insurance and other things, it was better for me to get legally separated. This means we are still married but I am not responsible for his bills.

You need to trust your spouse but also keep your eyes open. You can each have your own account and a separate account for monthly expenses.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright 2021 Linda Meckler

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Should Spouses Share A computer

Whatever your life choices I do not think that spouses should share a computer. If it is a financial problem that is different. But if you can separate your computers go for it.

Why do I say that?

I say that because everybody needs privacy in their lives. Whatever kind of information you keep on your computer is yours and yours alone unless you choose to share it with others.

Most people if they do not need a desktop or laptop computer use electronic tablets. In this way, you can easily keep your information separate.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright  2021 Linda Meckler

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Holding Public Office President Biden

Holding Public Office

I would not want to be the President of the United States. There is so much chaos going on in the world and in the United States. Every time a discussion or decision has to be made on some huge problem there are too many ideas to solve that particular problem.

How does anything get done?

Look at Afghanistan President Biden decided to pull the troops out of that country and look what happened. All hell broke loose.

Who is right and who is wrong?

If you listen to this news station the president is right.

If you listen to another news station the president is wrong.

The buck stops with the president and I would not want to be in his shoes at this time In history.

The world is complicated and it gets more complicated each day. I hope the people, our elected officials, can stop bickering like toddlers and help the president make the correct decisions to keep our great country great.

Thank you for reading my article.

Linda Meckler

Copyright 2021

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Medicare and Other Health Insurances

Over the years I have had to choose the best Medicare Plan for me.

I did, but I found that the plan that I thought was for me has changed and changed drastically this past year.

I have an HMO this means I have a Medical Group and the Medical Group runs my medical show.

I’ve had to use my medical insurance much more than I have in other years and I found that my Medicare HMO has changed without my knowing it.

Maybe, this happened to you. You were using your HMO or PPO and were happy with it and then it changed without any warning.

Now medical things are starting to cost money. Copays are getting higher and now are being attached to medical things you didn’t have to pay before.

On November 15 of this year, you can start changing your Medicare plan. Make sure when you pick out the plan for you, you know what the hidden charges are.

Does it cover my prescriptions?

What copays do I have to pay?

How much are the copays?

Get the picture.

Good luck with choosing your Medicare plan.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler