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Carolyn Kloss











When you make a friend, you take on the responsibility of being happy when they are happy-sad you are sad. You spend time together and you share your life with your friend. When they get sick you are there for them as they are for you. When that friend is taken out of your life suddenly it’s as if a part of you was ripped from you. 

My friend Carolyn died suddenly a few days ago. She was an amazing woman I was honored to call her a friend for twenty years. She has a large family and many, many friends. She was involved in so many things I don’t know how she kept everything straight. She was a professional cook and baker and she sewed amazingly.  She was a five-time cancer survivor and she had her two shots and she didn’t die of Covid. It was just her time and she went to our Lord. I miss you Carolyn Kloss.

2 thoughts on “Carolyn Kloss

  1. She was a amazing woman she will be miss

    1. Thanks Art.

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