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Can I get a book agent?

I have been on the assumption for years while I was writing my numerous books that book agents were almost non-existent.

I thought the only way they would be interested in a book if it was from a criminal or somebody in the government.

In other word’s some kind of scandal.

The publishing companies years ago stopped taking manuscripts from first time authors. The slush pile was gone. But I ask you, how can you find a good author for your next best-selling book if you don’t accept a book from the slush fund.

I stopped submitting my manuscripts to a publishing company I felt it was a waste of paper, envelopes and postage.

I started listening to webinars on my phone and maybe it isn’t hopeless to get an agent.

What do you think? Frustration is the word for all authors.

When Writing a query letter

Attention: a specific person

Only words no pictures

300 words total

Hook- For first sentence

Example: Marriage can be a real killer

There is simply not enough room in a trunk for stuff and a Dentist

Description 100-150 words

Grammar and punctuation correct





solve problem


Solve problem in your own way




Science fiction





Young Adult



Adult Fiction

Example: Why are you an authority on subject.


  1. No do not say I’ve been writing since a child.
  2. Ego
  3. Rude
  4. Asking for free advice.
  5. Facts do not mention other people or place.
  6. Proof query
  7. No Questions
  8. Do not pitch on social media.

All words.

All words same size.

Get to the point.

Why bankable produce

Specific guidelines for agents

Why you are right for agent’s book

If published on Amazon:




If you do a google search and

ask for an agent list you will get one.

ask for list book agents you will get a list.

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My Strange Inheritance

How would you like one day to have someone knock on your door and tell you, you have inherited something?

The first thing that comes to mind is money. Wouldn’t you?

What if I tell you that it is money lots and lots and lots and lots of money but it comes with a hitch.

Ah, here is where the story gets mysterious and exciting. Yes, in my book The Strange Inheritance that is exactly what happens.

A young woman receives a knock on the door and money spills through the doorway but of course, all good things have a catch right.

Well, this book does and it is a darn good one. Read it and find out.

It’s on

Thank you for reading my article. Copyright Linda Meckler 2021