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Cuddle and Snuggle

Do you love to snuggle on the sofa with your loved one? Do you plan your time around this special romantic time? Do you sometimes wish the recliner would disappear when your loved one chooses it instead of you.

There is always the bed. In bed you can snuggle all you want.

I am speaking to the woman in this article. I want you to think deep down into your mind and tell me you love recliners. Or do you want to touch the end of your nose like Samantha on Bewitched and the recliner will disappear?

I am speaking to you and your loved one. Don’t you love to cuddle up on the sofa while watching television or a movie? Don’t you love to snuggle on the sofa and listen to music and just be happy sitting on the sofa next to each other? This is extremely romantic and it is what women crave after their long day at work or home.

When you have a recliner your loved one will usually choose the recliner to watch television. Men do not think like a woman. A woman loves to cuddle and snuggle against their loved one’s chest. They can not get close enough. If possible, they would climb right into their lover’s skin. In this way, they feel protected and special. Men love their comfort and let’s face it recliners are comfortable.

You could set some rules when watching television with your loved one. When you want to cuddle and feel close, you can send him a private signal you have set up in advance. If you are not in the mood, he can sit on the reclining chair alone.

Your loved one can always sit in the recliner during the day when the kids are running around your home. He can always sit in the recliner when you are not at home.

There can always be a balance in your private loving time together. Keep your romance hot and alive with your special cuddle and snuggle time. Trade the recliner in for a double recliner or go to the bedroom.

Copyright 2006 Linda E. Meckler updated 2023

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New Year Bursting

New Year Bursting

This year is going to be a better year than the last few years.

I can feel it.

Can you?

I have a clean slate to make it what I want.

I for one am doing activities I haven’t been able to do since Covid hit.

I’m getting out of the house and meeting people.

I’m taking a class and will be assisting in a class.

My energy is high.

My spirit is high.

I am excited about this coming year.

I hope you are also.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2023

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Grandparents Are

Grandparents Are Important

Young grandchildren:

Stabilizers for the parents


Read to child

Play with child

Talk to child

Bathe and dress child

Teach child

Love child

Hold child

Family get togethers


Same as above

Art work together

Play games together

Read together

Sports together

Talk together

Work puzzles

Read bible stories

Go to their activities

Keep Good relationship with parents

Love them

Send gifts and pictures



Playing computer games


Talk about God

Keep communication open with parents

Family Get Togethers

Send gifts and pictures

Make an appointment to see them

Keep Good Relationship with parents

Out on their own

Phone calls

Text messages


Family Get Togethers

Love them

Send gifts and pictures

Make an appointment to see them

Keep good relationship with parents

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Vote No to kill new born babies

Vote No to murder new born babies.

After assaulting basic human rights for over two years, California Governor Gavin Newsom is working on a new INFANTICIDE bill that would legalize the murder of children up to nine months gestation and in the week(s) after birth. The bill has been proposed by Newsom’s “Future of Abortion Council” which makes recommendations to “strengthen and expand” abortions in the state of California.

Under California AB 2223, a mother will be shielded from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy. These actions include not only abortion in any stage of pregnancy, but also “perinatal death.” Perinatal death is defined as the death of a newborn up to seven days or more.

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Is There Affordable Housing in California





Yes, there is affordable housing in California if you are rich, or have a large income. So, what is the problem? Why do so many people live on the streets?

Most of the people living in California are not rich or have large incomes. That is the problem.

Housing is going up everywhere but can you afford to buy these houses?

Most start at $700,000 and up.

Apartment rentals are rising daily. I wonder if there are empty apartments in California because nobody can afford to rent them.

Now families are doubling up and splitting expenses. Is this the way you want to live sharing your home just so you can pay the electric bill?

The problem keeps escalating and it seems we who live in California feel that this problem that is so important keeps circling the drain and now it funnels down to the sewers.

What is the answer?

Does it seem nobody can come up with an answer? If they did there would be affordable housing for people who need this.

What do you think?

Thank you for reading my article.

Linda Meckler copyright 2022

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A Goldfish Christmas

Mork is the name

A Goldfish by fame.

I live in a bowl

 That spins and rolls.

Wend-ee, my Wend-ee

She loves me so

AS I swim around

My goldfish bowl.

I heard her talk

To a friend one day.

She said Christmas

 Was on its way.

She was excited

As I could see

By her rosy red cheeks

Smiling back at me.

As I watched her

 From a far

Her hair flew round

As she jumped

 Up and down.

Mork Oh Mork

 You silly goldfish

You could care less

You’re only a fish.

Not true, not true, Wend-ee

 hear me please

I just want to decorate

My own Christmas Tree.

How can I say this


When you don’t even

Speak fish-e-nese.

Here is your food

 You hungry fish-ie

Enjoy it there’s more

 When you finish this.

I have a tree in my bowl

As you can see

I could decorate it

With the food you give me.

Maybe she’ll get

 The idea fin-a-le

That I want my bowl

To look like a tree

Mork oh Mork

You silly gold fish

What are you doing

Giving me fits.

You silly girl

Can’t you see

I’m decorating

My Christ-mas Tree.

I don’t believe it

But I think I see

 You want to decorate

A Christmas tree.

I’ll bring you Lights

And other delights

 Do your thing

I’ll check back tonight.

0h Mork oh Mork

 I see by your heart

This Christmas Tree

Really look’s smart.

Linda Meckler/author 6/03

Updated 2021 Copyright to Linda Meckler

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Broke At Christmas

What if you don’t have any money at Christmas? How do you cook that fabulous dinner? How do you give presents to your family and friends?

This is a tough project but maybe you can. Think about it what do you like to do?

Do you love photography? A nice photo that you take and print would be a present that would not bankrupt you.

Do you like to draw or paint? Making a painting or drawing would be wonderfully received.

Maybe, you can spare some time to do some errands or cleaning for your loved ones.

A letter written by you and hand-delivered or mailed is another thought.

Think you are a creative person. An idea will come to you.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021

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Who is Santa Clause

Is there a real Santa Clause? Has there ever been a real Santa Clause?

Santa Clause maybe as far as looking at yourself in a mirror.

Santa Clause is fun and family.

Santa Clause makes the family Christmas experience what it is for you and your family.

You don’t need to get into a sled and fly around the world.

All you have to do is think about what will make you and your family happy.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler

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Should Spouses Share A Bank Account?

This is a hot topic and one in which I can honestly say happened to me. I was married for years and we had one bank account. Way back then I could not check my banking account online as I could now and I stupidly trusted my husband.  But one day when I was in the bank the clerk gave me a printout of my account. My eyes blew open.

My lovely spouse was doing all kinds of strange things with our account. With this knowledge, I was able to present his indiscretions to him.

Shortly after this, we got a legal separation.

Why a legal separation?

He was military retired and for me to keep my medical insurance and other things, it was better for me to get legally separated. This means we are still married but I am not responsible for his bills.

You need to trust your spouse but also keep your eyes open. You can each have your own account and a separate account for monthly expenses.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright 2021 Linda Meckler

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Should Spouses Share A computer

Whatever your life choices I do not think that spouses should share a computer. If it is a financial problem that is different. But if you can separate your computers go for it.

Why do I say that?

I say that because everybody needs privacy in their lives. Whatever kind of information you keep on your computer is yours and yours alone unless you choose to share it with others.

Most people if they do not need a desktop or laptop computer use electronic tablets. In this way, you can easily keep your information separate.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright  2021 Linda Meckler