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Should Spouses Share A Bank Account?

This is a hot topic and one in which I can honestly say happened to me. I was married for years and we had one bank account. Way back then I could not check my banking account online as I could now and I stupidly trusted my husband.  But one day when I was in the bank the clerk gave me a printout of my account. My eyes blew open.

My lovely spouse was doing all kinds of strange things with our account. With this knowledge, I was able to present his indiscretions to him.

Shortly after this, we got a legal separation.

Why a legal separation?

He was military retired and for me to keep my medical insurance and other things, it was better for me to get legally separated. This means we are still married but I am not responsible for his bills.

You need to trust your spouse but also keep your eyes open. You can each have your own account and a separate account for monthly expenses.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright 2021 Linda Meckler