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Writing Class

For the last twenty years I have been writing books. They are all on There are children to adult, adult, fiction and non-fiction. That about covers almost every category of books.

I had never taken a writing class. Now I go once a week to a writing class. There are fifteen people in the class. We all write 4 pages and then I read in the front of the class what I have written.

The other authors give phrase and criticism. We each bring enough copies of the 4 pages to give to each author in the room. This is where I get written editing corrections and other phrases.

I have learned much from this class. I enjoy it because it’s what I love to do write. This is what the others in the class do write.

If you do not have a class you can take in your area start one.

Thank you for reading my article. Linda Meckler, Author copyright 2023

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When Writing A Book

When writing a book for the reader it looks easy.

But it isn’t.

 It’s hours, days, weeks, months, and sometimes years to complete a manuscript.

Then there are the rewrites.

The editing is never-ending.

This is truly something you have to love to do. It is a solitary job with only yourself as company.

But how do you start to write a book.? I get asked.

You start with an idea and then think out the story systemically.

For instance, if you were planting a garden, you don’t just plant seeds in the ground.

You have to prepare the soil and then plant the seeds.

Then water the plants.

This is the same idea in writing.

Check out my book Writer’s How to Publish Free. It will save you hundreds of dollars.

Whenever you do something, yourself you know it was done to your satisfaction.

Thank you for reading my article. Copyright 2023. Linda Meckler, author

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Writer’s How to Publish Free

I’ve written a book. Now what? What do I do with it? The first thing I think of is a publisher costs money. The next thing is a professional editor and of course I need a cover.

All these things cost money and I am not counting copyright expenses or a ISBN number.

These are the expenses I will need to think about when I want to publish my book.

I will tell you, my story. My first two books I published I went through a publishing company. It was expensive. But then I kept writing and I could not afford to self-publish my next book or the books after that.

I learned how to do everything myself and guess what it didn’t cost me a cent.

Then I taught a class at a senior school and now many people who didn’t think they could become a published author achieved their goal.

After my teaching career was concluded I wrote two books. Writer’s How to Publish Free and Editing Fiction Mistakes.

If you truly want to become a published author read my book Writer’s How to Publish Free and the book with the most common fiction mistakes Editing Fiction Mistakes.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2023

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My Audio Book Journey 2

My Audio Book Journey 2

I want to keep all my readers up-to-date on my audiobook adventure. This is something I wanted to achieve since I started writing twenty-five years ago.

The first thing I did was order my microphone, filter, headset, and dog training clicker. I don’t know if there will be other products to purchase but that is what I have for now.

The next thing——- and this is a huge thing——–, is where to put my new soundproof studio. How do I soundproof a bedroom? That is a good question and I’m still working on it.

First off, I called my friend Dan. He is the one person I can count on whenever I go off on another adventure in my home.

He had great ideas. The first thing we did was go to Home Depot. I had a piece of carpeting cut to the dimensions of the bedroom. He placed it in his car with the end sitting between the driver’s seat and the passenger seat. It worked.

Then when he lugged it into the house, he emptied the bedroom. This was not a small task. I use that bedroom to keep my art supplies. If you ever had a hobby, you know how much room the hobby supplies take.

He cut, fitted, and laid the carpeting in the room. Then he and I, lugged everything back into the bedroom. More him than me. I helped.

While he was working in the bedroom, I was watching you tube videos on how to soundproof a room. These videos were quite involved. There was one video I liked and showed it to him. This guy on the video compared four things around the house to use on the walls for soundproofing. You will never guess but towels won out. Other videos I watched said placing furniture against the walls, large bookcases filled with books, canvases, and clothes hanging closely together.

I order on Amazon 12 packing blankets and he nailed them to the walls. I have a big window and it took 2 to cover the window. 

I have been playing with the software I will be using it is free and so far is easy to use. But when it comes to fine tuning my voice and the other numerous controls that need to be adjusted correctly I still need that to learn that. 

All I hear is that ACX which is the Amazon website for audio books is hard to get accepted.

It has to be exactly the way they want it or you have to read and edit it again and again until you get it right.

I am going to do my learning process on my book Ghost Kids Trilogy. I am changing the name and the title to Ghost Kids Mystery. I will make a new cover.

I can’t wait to get started on this project. 

Copyright Linda Meckler 2023

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Audio Books

I have learned how to format and publish e-books, paperback books, and hardcover books. Now I am off to a new goal. Audiobooks. I am going to tackle the hardest format yet. There is a huge market for audiobooks.

I tried years ago to create my own audiobook with my voice. I purchased some software on the computer. It would take 10 CDs to complete the book. I was onto cd number 5 when everything crashed. I never tried again.

I watched a web meeting and the man who was hosting it made it sound easy. I am going to try again. All I needed was 3 things.

A microphone.

A filter for the microphone.

Over-the-ear headphones.

The hardest part was the editing. I hope I can do this. I want to do the entire book from start to finish on my own. At my age, it is unbelievable to reach a new goal.

I hope, all you authors out there, or who want to be authors will start a new goal.

My book Writer’s How To Publish Free is for formatting and publishing e-books, paperback, hardcover books.

Whatever, it is go for it.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2023

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My Strange Inheritance

How would you like one day to have someone knock on your door and tell you, you have inherited something?

The first thing that comes to mind is money. Wouldn’t you?

What if I tell you that it is money lots and lots and lots and lots of money but it comes with a hitch.

Ah, here is where the story gets mysterious and exciting. Yes, in my book The Strange Inheritance that is exactly what happens.

A young woman receives a knock on the door and money spills through the doorway but of course, all good things have a catch right.

Well, this book does and it is a darn good one. Read it and find out.

It’s on

Thank you for reading my article. Copyright Linda Meckler 2021


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Relucant Royality

My newest book. A murder mystery. I’ve been watching on television like everyone else what changes are going on in England. From the passing of Queen Elizabeth’s husband Prince Phillip and this astounding completely fictional story took root in my brain. It takes place in a fictional country and the language spoken is German and English. Jennifer the owner of Jennifer’s Real Estate was working in her home office and waiting for her seven-year-old daughter Carol to come home from school. One knock on the door her friend and neighbor Emily. The second knock on the door has her going rigid and fainting on the living room floor. Life has changed for Jennifer. She has new challenges and can she take a country out of the dark ages into the 21st century. It is really an intriguing murder mystery.

Thank you for reading my book.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021

My newest book. I’ve been watching on television like everyone else what changes are going on in England. From the passing of Queen Elizabeth’s husband Prince Phillip and this astounding completely fictional story took root in my brain. It takes place in a fictional country and the language spoken is German and English. Jennifer the owner of Jennifer’s Real Estate was working in her home office and waiting for her seven-year-old daughter Carol to come home from school. One knock on the door her friend and neighbor Emily. The second knock on the door has her going rigid and fainting on the living room floor. Life has changed for Jennifer. She has new challenges and can she take a country out of the dark ages into the 21st century. It is really an intriguing murder mystery.

Thank you for reading my book.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021