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Cuddle and Snuggle

Do you love to snuggle on the sofa with your loved one? Do you plan your time around this special romantic time? Do you sometimes wish the recliner would disappear when your loved one chooses it instead of you.

There is always the bed. In bed you can snuggle all you want.

I am speaking to the woman in this article. I want you to think deep down into your mind and tell me you love recliners. Or do you want to touch the end of your nose like Samantha on Bewitched and the recliner will disappear?

I am speaking to you and your loved one. Don’t you love to cuddle up on the sofa while watching television or a movie? Don’t you love to snuggle on the sofa and listen to music and just be happy sitting on the sofa next to each other? This is extremely romantic and it is what women crave after their long day at work or home.

When you have a recliner your loved one will usually choose the recliner to watch television. Men do not think like a woman. A woman loves to cuddle and snuggle against their loved one’s chest. They can not get close enough. If possible, they would climb right into their lover’s skin. In this way, they feel protected and special. Men love their comfort and let’s face it recliners are comfortable.

You could set some rules when watching television with your loved one. When you want to cuddle and feel close, you can send him a private signal you have set up in advance. If you are not in the mood, he can sit on the reclining chair alone.

Your loved one can always sit in the recliner during the day when the kids are running around your home. He can always sit in the recliner when you are not at home.

There can always be a balance in your private loving time together. Keep your romance hot and alive with your special cuddle and snuggle time. Trade the recliner in for a double recliner or go to the bedroom.

Copyright 2006 Linda E. Meckler updated 2023