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Is There Affordable Housing in California





Yes, there is affordable housing in California if you are rich, or have a large income. So, what is the problem? Why do so many people live on the streets?

Most of the people living in California are not rich or have large incomes. That is the problem.

Housing is going up everywhere but can you afford to buy these houses?

Most start at $700,000 and up.

Apartment rentals are rising daily. I wonder if there are empty apartments in California because nobody can afford to rent them.

Now families are doubling up and splitting expenses. Is this the way you want to live sharing your home just so you can pay the electric bill?

The problem keeps escalating and it seems we who live in California feel that this problem that is so important keeps circling the drain and now it funnels down to the sewers.

What is the answer?

Does it seem nobody can come up with an answer? If they did there would be affordable housing for people who need this.

What do you think?

Thank you for reading my article.

Linda Meckler copyright 2022