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A Goldfish Christmas

Mork is the name

A Goldfish by fame.

I live in a bowl

 That spins and rolls.

Wend-ee, my Wend-ee

She loves me so

AS I swim around

My goldfish bowl.

I heard her talk

To a friend one day.

She said Christmas

 Was on its way.

She was excited

As I could see

By her rosy red cheeks

Smiling back at me.

As I watched her

 From a far

Her hair flew round

As she jumped

 Up and down.

Mork Oh Mork

 You silly goldfish

You could care less

You’re only a fish.

Not true, not true, Wend-ee

 hear me please

I just want to decorate

My own Christmas Tree.

How can I say this


When you don’t even

Speak fish-e-nese.

Here is your food

 You hungry fish-ie

Enjoy it there’s more

 When you finish this.

I have a tree in my bowl

As you can see

I could decorate it

With the food you give me.

Maybe she’ll get

 The idea fin-a-le

That I want my bowl

To look like a tree

Mork oh Mork

You silly gold fish

What are you doing

Giving me fits.

You silly girl

Can’t you see

I’m decorating

My Christ-mas Tree.

I don’t believe it

But I think I see

 You want to decorate

A Christmas tree.

I’ll bring you Lights

And other delights

 Do your thing

I’ll check back tonight.

0h Mork oh Mork

 I see by your heart

This Christmas Tree

Really look’s smart.

Linda Meckler/author 6/03

Updated 2021 Copyright to Linda Meckler