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Can You Live On Social Security

Can You Live on Social Security?








Here is the deal. You work the best years of your life and now that you are older your retired. The salary you had been earning for the past years is gone.

Yes, you have earned money from Social Security. But can you live on it?

There are thousands of people living on the streets. Did you ever ask yourself why is that?

The simple reason is Social Security does not pay you enough to live in the inflated world we are living in.

After my rent is paid, I have $100.00 left from my Social Security check.

How much do you have left?

Yeah! Social Security went up this year a few dollars and guess what they took most of the increase out in Medicare Part B payments.

If you are lucky to have a spouse who still brings in an income, is independently wealthy, or receives a retirement check from your employment  – hurrah!

But for most of us out in the world, seniors, who need more help now than ever before there are only the streets.

What do you think?

Thank you for reading my article copyright Linda Meckler 2022