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Prince Phillip’s Funeral

How Did Prince Philip Do It?

Watching the funeral of Prince Philip husband of Queen Elizabeth II for 73 years, I have to ask – How did he do it? How do you live in a fish bowl and raise a family and have your family’s dirty linen end up on television, newspapers, and the Internet? The pictures of the family and videos show they were an exceptional family and still are. They have love and each other backs against the world. The common people have problems but it is not aired to the public.

They lived a life we the common people can only imagine. The best of everything from schools, clothes, jewelry, cars, homes, to vacations and meeting the most important people in the world. But look at the price they pay every day of their life.

God bless the Queen and her family.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright 4-17-2021 Linda Meckler