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The Miracle of Hearing Aids and Tinnitus

I was one of these hard-headed people who didn’t think I needed hearing aids. Every year I had a hearing test and it came out within-in normal hearing.

This last hearing test came out differently. It said my hearing was declining. Is that why I turned the television up? Is that why I always used my phone on speaker so I could hear the person speaking?

I checked out a few hearing aid places and from the prices being sky high and their presentation, I wasn’t impressed.

My tinnitus or white snow sounds were harboring on I want brain surgery to remove whatever was shrieking in my ears 24-7. After years of asking why I have tinnitus and what causes it, I was answered. My usual answer was there is not a known reason for tinnitus. But this time I was given the reason. The brain receptors were broken. Instead of the brain commuting with other receptors of the brain it was broken and the brain filled in the space with white noise, or electricidal screaming, or whatever you hear. Also, the nerve was shutting down. It was nice to know what was making my life so miserable.

I made an appointment for Costco where I know people that have gotten their hearing aids there. I was very impressed with the presentation and I had a free hearing test different from the usual hearing tests. This test was geared to the blue tooth hearing I needed.

After the hearing test, I was shown the hearing aids I needed and told the price and was happy to hear that the hearing test was free and it was under warranty for two years.

Three weeks later I received my hearing aids. The hearing aids sit on top of the ear not behind. There is a small piece that goes in the ear.

Because of the blue tooth capabilities, I can hear clearly on the phone. I can answer the phone even if it is in another room. My tinnitus while wearing my hearing aids is down. I haven’t had them long and I hope it will get better than this. But when I remove them, my tinnitus comes back full blast.

Hearing aids have come a long way from the old battery-powered ones.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021