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California’s Water Horror Story

$27 Billon dollars is waiting to be used for California’s water and electricity. California needs  an adequate infrastructure and a regulatory system. That is only one of the problems with the California water system. 

The Governor is the person who has the authority to start working on building the water system before California does run out of water and electricity.

But isn’t it amazing everywhere you look new homes in different communities are being built by the hundreds. These homes take water to build and once these homes are built water will be needed for indoor and outdoor use.

Yes, we need more housing but if we have a water shortage who gave the go ahead to build thousands of homes.

We are definitely getting a mixed message. Whatever the truth is about California water or lack of it something needs to be done before we turn on the faucet and nothing comes out.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler