What do you think seniors? Can you live on the amount of money you get from Social Security monthly?
The amount of Social Security stays the same. But everything else goes up.
Food has gone up so high in price I don’t want to go into the grocery store unless I have no choice.
People have to eat to stay alive.
They need a home. Whatever that means to you.
They need medical care.
They need dental care.
They need clothes.
They need to be clean.
This sounds so ordinary but is it.
Today thousands live on the streets. All these necessities evaporate in their search to stay alive.
Politicians who are running for office love to mouth off about cutting Social Security and Medicare.
Keep it up and you won’t get elected.
There are more living (voting) seniors alive than ever before.
Thank you for reading my article.
Linda Meckler, author copyright 2023