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Book Marketing

How do I market my published book?

When you have written your book and published it why now? Where do you start getting the word out?

In the world of publishing today there are thousands of books on the market. If you self-publish your book or pay a publisher for this service marketing is still the question. Book stores are few and far between. The e-book has taken the publishing world by storm.

  1. What is the book about? How was it created? Why?
  2. Take public speaking Example: Toastmasters. Talking about your book to groups of people who are interested in your topic.
  3. Blog, Website
  4. Reporter for community newspaper, or magazine.
  5. Local Government – get involved.
  6. Photography
  7. Create your own videos and upload to YouTube.
  8. Talk to people.
  9. Social Media
  10. Etc.

Your excitement about your book is what will sell your book.

Keep writing.

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Linda Meckler  copyright 2021