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Why Was Your Medical Claim Denied?

Why Denied

What happened your Medical Provider billed your insurance company. The insurance company sent you in the mail or e-mail. Your claim has been denied.

Now what?

What happened?

There are several questions to be asked.

  • Was the correct insurance company billed?
  • Was the correct date of service billed?
  • Was the CPT code correct?
  • Was the ICD code correct?
  • Were the correct charges placed on the correct patient?
  • Is your Medical Information up-to-date in their computer system?

This is just a slim idea of how your Medical Insurance Company can deny payment on a specific date of service.

My book Fight Your Medical Insurance Nightmares!! Gives more information on this problem plus tons of other information you need to know.

What you need to know.

  • For instance, do you know what a CPT or ICD code is. If you don’t you need to know.
  • Do you know the correct Medical Terminology to ask your Medical Provider or Insurance Company?
  • Do you know what hospital your Medical Insurance is contracted with if you need to go to the Emergency Room or be admitted to a hospital?

These are some of the things you need to know. 

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021
