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Fulfilling Your Dreams


How many of you watch the Hallmark movies? Especially over the Christmas Holidays? Aren’t they corny? Do you know who is going to end up marry who before the program is finished. I am one of those watchers. I love watching those movies. They seem old fashioned to me but what is wrong with old fashioned traditions. Evidently, millions of people watch these movies they must be doing something right.

But one of the things I really love about the program is in most of them the star or main character of each particular movie is asked, “what are your dreams?”

I love that part about each movie? The main character always has a dream to fulfill and, in most cases, it is fulfilled.

For me I had several dreams and many of them have been fulfilled. Years ago, when I started to write I wanted to publish my writing as an e-book. I was just beginning to learn about e-books and how powerful they were. The world at your fingertip. A friend of mine, a computer geek showed me how to take my writing and put make it into an e-book. That dream was fulfilled.

Another dream was to be able to build my own website. I had websites in the past by other people. But I didn’t have control over it. I had to ask the webs person to make adjustments every time I wanted them done.

Now I have fulfilled another dream. I built my own website with telephone help from Blue Host. It was the most amazing thing. I could call and ask any question and presto the immediate problem was solved.

Now my website is all mine. I have listed all my books with a click to take you to my page. This was my dream. What is yours?

I also, will be selling my art on my website. Everything I wanted in my dream about having my own website is now true.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021