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From Chaos to Hope

In the year 2020 we had to endure and listen to the news of the wide spread Corona Virus. The nightmare we all had to live with. Now life as we knew it has crashed and burned. We had to wear masks, wash our hands, and stay six feet apart.

This was a new concept. We are a social people. We want to be with our families. We want to hug our spouse, our kids and grandkids. We want to dine in a restaurant, go to our clubs, play cards, and be social again. But this stopped it for us.

Over the holidays thousands of people said enough is enough and had large family and friend dinners and parties. The virus has spread and is continuing to spread. But.

Striving for Happiness Again.

When the first Pfizer vaccine came to the United States bands should have played. We should have waved our American Flags. With the second arrival of Moderna we should have done the same. Now is the time to have hope.  As the vaccines are being used, we will be able to return to laughing, singing, hugging and kissing safely.

Linda Meckler  copyright 2021