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Rioting Coast to Coast

George Floyd was killed by a white Police Officer Derek Chauvin on May 25, 2020, an African-American man, who died in Powderhorn, a neighborhood south of downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Officer Chauvin has been charged with murder. Three other officers were involved in this violence.

 Brutality that has been going on for decades but what happened recently popped the cork and all the hate and violence erupted in a flow that has gone coast to coast.

It is time for the police departments to begin retraining their police. To weed out the bad and giving them their walking papers. People who thrive on violence and hatred are easy to pick out. 

The body cameras were supposed to change this but it hasn’t stopped it.

Also, people should realize every time they are in public somebody is videotaping. Nothing is private anymore.

The protesters have a reason to protest this violence but it should not be destructive.

The people who own the cars, buildings and businesses that are being looted and burned are the victims. They are forced with the destruction of their property. It was thrown in their face emotionally and financially that some will not survive. 

This is the time for change! 

The police departments and the people of their community should work together and make the changes.

The people in charge must listen!


Thank you for reading my article.

Linda Meckler copyright 2021