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Medicare and Other Insurance Plans

Do you understand Medicare?

If you have Medicare, do you understand it?

Do you understand how Medicare works?

Do you know what parts A, B, C, and D mean?

If you do not understand this you do not understand Medicare.

Medicare is complicated. 

I don’t know why it is this way.

Do you?

Maybe it could be simplified.

Maybe it could be easier to understand.

What do you think?

What do you not understand?

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021

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Red Hot Medical Bills

Believe it or not, you are not the only one who has medical bills. They seem endless and never-ending. You can get them from medical providers you have never heard of or thought of. Where did all these bills come from? If you have been in the hospital for a long-term stay expect a huge bill.

First, you have to break it down. What Date of Service (DOS) was billed and what was paid and what wasn’t paid and why – line by line.?

Let’s break it down. When you are admitted to the hospital for a scheduled surgery there is a facility fee. The doctors which are treating you have their fees. When tests are performed such as x-ray, MRI’s, lab, or any medication there are fees for these.

While in surgery there is an assistant surgeon and last but not least the Anthologist.  These are all the normal fees but of course, there could be other fees for your special needs.

Wow! these fees add up and your bill could be at least 30 pages long. When you have medical insurance your insurance company is billed. The insurance company whatever it is will usually pay 80% of the allowable. The allowable is determined from the contract your medical provider (the hospital) has with your insurance company. This is written off in a contractual agreement. It can be a different amount for different insurance plans. After the insurance has paid you are billed the balance of the bill if you do not have a 2nd insurance to apply it to.

If you have 10 bills from different Medical Providers this can get confusing and expensive.

Medical Bills are billed from the Date of Service (DOS) you were seen by a Medical Provider or in patient in a Hospital, etc.

There are all kinds of problems that can crop up which your medical insurance company will bring to your attention. This is where medical appeals come in.

Also, you must have some kind of understanding of how your insurance company works if you want to protect yourself and your family.

Now with people entering hospitals and are there for long or longer stays the medical bills are going to be astronomical.

Now you have to look at every Explanation of Benefits (EOB) line by line.

You have to make sure everything was billed from each individual medical provider. 

This is going to be complicated.

My book Medicare and Other Health Insurances will help you understand what the next step will be needed to get your bills paid.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read any of my numerous articles on various subjects.

Linda Meckler copyright 2009 updated 2021

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Prayers For The Navy Helicopter Crew

On Wednesday, September 1 a helicopter crashed while taking off from the U S Carrier Sea Hawk. Five members of the crew are lost in the sea.

Many officials say that the crew is well trained in this type of crash for leaving the chopper and staying alive in the water.

Come on everybody pray for these men to this Navy crew home safely.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021

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Should Spouses Share A Bank Account?

This is a hot topic and one in which I can honestly say happened to me. I was married for years and we had one bank account. Way back then I could not check my banking account online as I could now and I stupidly trusted my husband.  But one day when I was in the bank the clerk gave me a printout of my account. My eyes blew open.

My lovely spouse was doing all kinds of strange things with our account. With this knowledge, I was able to present his indiscretions to him.

Shortly after this, we got a legal separation.

Why a legal separation?

He was military retired and for me to keep my medical insurance and other things, it was better for me to get legally separated. This means we are still married but I am not responsible for his bills.

You need to trust your spouse but also keep your eyes open. You can each have your own account and a separate account for monthly expenses.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright 2021 Linda Meckler

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Should Spouses Share A computer

Whatever your life choices I do not think that spouses should share a computer. If it is a financial problem that is different. But if you can separate your computers go for it.

Why do I say that?

I say that because everybody needs privacy in their lives. Whatever kind of information you keep on your computer is yours and yours alone unless you choose to share it with others.

Most people if they do not need a desktop or laptop computer use electronic tablets. In this way, you can easily keep your information separate.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright  2021 Linda Meckler

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See See Rigney Nurse Retires at 96

Florence “SeeSee” Rigney from Tacoma, Washington retired after over 70 years as a nurse

By Vanessa Etienne

July 23, 2021 10:09 AM




A 96-year-old woman, believed to be the oldest working nurse in the country, has retired from a Tacoma, Washington, hospital.

Last week, Florence “SeeSee” Rigney retired as a nurse at MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital after over 70 years, according to a press release from the hospital. Throughout her career — which began as a student nurse at the Tacoma General School of Nursing in Washington — Rigney worked consistently, only taking a “break” from nursing to raise her two children. 

According to the hospital, working as a nurse has kept Rigney very active. She’s traveled across the country as an operating nurse and even logs up to three miles on her Fitbit from walking during her shifts.

“I don’t like to sit around – I’ve always got to have something to do. That’s my nature,” Rigney said in a statement, adding that she always wanted to become a nurse. “I love to interact with patients and give them the help that I can.”

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Carolyn Kloss











When you make a friend, you take on the responsibility of being happy when they are happy-sad you are sad. You spend time together and you share your life with your friend. When they get sick you are there for them as they are for you. When that friend is taken out of your life suddenly it’s as if a part of you was ripped from you. 

My friend Carolyn died suddenly a few days ago. She was an amazing woman I was honored to call her a friend for twenty years. She has a large family and many, many friends. She was involved in so many things I don’t know how she kept everything straight. She was a professional cook and baker and she sewed amazingly.  She was a five-time cancer survivor and she had her two shots and she didn’t die of Covid. It was just her time and she went to our Lord. I miss you Carolyn Kloss.

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Little House on the Prarie

I absolutely loved that television show. I wish we could recreate it or something like it today. I think it would be a big hit. It would be a time to fall in love with the characters and bring family and good healthy wisdom back into the world.

Television shows and movies have a huge effect on how our culture moves. Why do you think there is so much violence on the streets today?

Let’s go back a little way and put some new kind of television show back on the air something like Little House on the Prairie. Or what do think?

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021

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What is the 4th of July and Declaration of Independence



What is the 4th of July? Declaration of Independence?

Are you ready for the family barbecue followed by fireworks? How did all this start. Let’s go back to the beginning.

Think back in 1776 when the original thirteen colonies were surrounded by the British the Red Coats. Of course, you would fight to get the Red Coats off of your land and out of your life.

King George III must have been on drugs to think that the people of the colonies would subject themselves to people from over the ocean with strange clothing and customs trying to control the colonies.

 The people of that era did a great job fighting these Red Coats with everything they had to save themselves and their families.

Wouldn’t you have. If they wouldn’t have done that we might still be under British rule, there might never have been individual states and we wouldn’t have had the Declaration of Independence.

We wanted the Red Coats off our land and we got them running back to England with their tails between their legs.

Congress had declared Independence Day on July 2 but it became official on July 4th a time for family to get together and veg out.

The United States Declaration of Independence is the adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776. 

Originally published: July 4, 1776

AuthorsThomas Jefferson

Benjamin Franklin

John Adams

Roger Sherman

Robert R. Livingston

Created: June–July 1776

Signatories: 56 delegates to the Second Continental Congress 

and Mary Katherine Goddard — At the bottom of the document is written “Baltimore, in Maryland: Printed by Mary Katherine Goddard.” Goddard, who was working as printer at the time, voluntarily inscribed her full name on the document.

Location: Engrossed copy: National Archives Building; Rough draft: Library of Congress

Purpose: To announce and explain separation from Great Britain

Four parts

There are four parts to the Declaration of Independence which include the:

  1. Preamble
  2. A Declaration of Rights
  3. A Bill of Indictment
  4. A Statement of Independence.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021



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Prince Phillip’s Funeral

How Did Prince Philip Do It?

Watching the funeral of Prince Philip husband of Queen Elizabeth II for 73 years, I have to ask – How did he do it? How do you live in a fish bowl and raise a family and have your family’s dirty linen end up on television, newspapers, and the Internet? The pictures of the family and videos show they were an exceptional family and still are. They have love and each other backs against the world. The common people have problems but it is not aired to the public.

They lived a life we the common people can only imagine. The best of everything from schools, clothes, jewelry, cars, homes, to vacations and meeting the most important people in the world. But look at the price they pay every day of their life.

God bless the Queen and her family.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright 4-17-2021 Linda Meckler