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Fight Your Medical Insurance Nightmares!! Let Me Show You How

This is a book I wrote when I worked in hospital billing. I couldn’t believe how many people did not know how their insurance worked. Do you?

It can be any insurance plan. Do you know how it works? Why you pay for a specific amount for your doctors visit and someone else pays another amount?


Is the mystery word which we all need to know and how it works for you.

Your insurance program is contracted with a specific Physician, Hospital, Hospital, Laboratory, X-ray, etc. It depends upon the contracted rate which was established at the time the contract was signed.

Most physicians try to get onto as many medical plans they can. Sometimes the plan is full and the physician can’t get on a certain plan.

In case of an emergency, you could end up in a hospital which is not contracted with the hospital you were taken. Your (EOB) or explanation of Benefits with deny the charge and say, “Your hospital was not contracted with our insurance. Or words to that effect and will not be paid Then the bill needs to be appealed.


In my book are sample letters of appeal letters. I have written hundreds of these in my time on the job force. Also, personal stories of nightmares I had trying to get my bill paid.


hank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler


Linda Meckler  copyright 2021

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Questions For Lovers

This for women as well as for men. Before you do anything in your life you have to believe in yourself. If you want to be in a relationship you must believe that this is the right relationship for you. When you have decided ‘yes’ then you can move forward.

Do you remember your childhood?

What kind of child were you?

  • Shy?

  • Aggressive?

  • Social?

  • Other

Do you feel you could have done better?

Do you feel the choices you made were the best for you?

Do you feel that if you had more confidence in yourself you might have made other choices?

  • Education

  • Employment

  • Marriage

  • Apartment/House

  • Children

  • Pets

  • Location

What in your childhood made you feel special?

I found several reasons why self-esteem is so important to me. I remember being sent out into the cruel world to attend school and having to learn to stand on my own two feet. Even though I felt the love from my parents in my home, I never felt they gave me the extra push every child needs to achieve their full potential.

I have battled low self-esteem my entire life and I will share with you how I finally accomplished boosting my self-esteem and believing in myself.

For me it was writing. When I had to spend money to publish my first book Ghost Kids Trilogy I needed to boost my confidence. 

What was yours?

As an adult how you make these choices and live your normal everyday lives from these decisions you have made in the past will follow you for the rest of your life.

For some people, especially women, it is marriage. When your lover is unhappy, who do they take unhappiness out on – you the person closest to you.

Perhaps your lover is so miserable in his/her mind and body, he/ she has to make the people closest to you miserable. The people in our lives thrive on having enough power over us to inflict this mental prison on yourselves.

Your lover will usually take this mental and physical abuse because they feel trapped when small children are involved.

You do not even realize your self-esteem has been smashed into a thousand pieces. When you are reminded of what a terrible person you are by your lover, you believe it. 

Making a drastic change in your life terrifies you. You would rather go on in this pattern instead of rocking the boat.

Suddenly, one day, something earth-shattering happens. Maybe it’s the death of a family member or child or maybe it’s something else. Life as you know it has ended. Now you have to make a life-changing decision.

Big Decision

  • Move

  • Paint your house

  • Paint your walls

  • Employment

  • Education

  • Hobby

  • Join a group

  • Join a church

  • Visit family

  • Visit friends

  • Call family/friends

  • Jog

  • Swim

  • Basketball

  • Football

  • Baseball

  • Write your feelings

  • Write a blog

  • Write a book

  • Etc.

The world is immense. Don’t get lost in it. Some of this was taken from my book Questions for Lovers

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read all my other articles.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021


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Covid and Relationships

Remember a year ago when you and your heartthrob would go to bed together in the same bed. When sex was a good thing. Now having sex with your heartthrob can kill you. The world turns on its axis and never stays in one place. But we are human beings and we do not stay in one spot. We move, groove, love, kiss, hug. What is wrong with this sentence. What is wrong is that was the past. Now is the Covid 19. Times have changed and we have to change with them.

How heart-wrenching is it when mothers can’t hug their children? When grandparents can’t hug their children or grandchildren. The way of communication Is by electronics. Yes, a picture is nice, and talking online is nice but it does not cover the basic need of touch.

There is a blue sky at the end of this horrible year.  There are now three serums and in a few months, everybody that wants to will be able to go back to sleeping in the same bed as their heartthrob, touch, kiss, and have sex.

What do you think?

Thank you for reading my article Linda Meckler

Copyright 2021

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Questions For Lovers

Questions for Lovers

Make the sparks fly either in a new relationship or long term. This is the newest book I wrote and published. I am excited about it. It is a book everyone should read if they are entering into a new relationship or are in a long-term relationship.

When entering into a long-term relationship there are questions for each lover to discuss with each other.

If you are in a long-term relationship the questions can open communication between you and your heartthrob.

There are also some things you can do to make your bodies sizzle.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read my other articles on various subject.

Copyright 2021   Linda Meckler

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Book Publishing Horror -Embarrassed

Any author will tell you that writing a book is time-consuming. But it is the love of writing that keeps writers – writing.

I had written my book The Bloody Violins and I was rewriting it constantly until I got all my ideas into the book. Every time I thought I finished it I thought of something else and it just went on and on. I wanted to finally publish it again and say this is it.

In the process of writing my book and rewriting my book several times I had many saved copies in my computer. I thought I was using the last one to edit. But when I published the book for the last time and ordered books for friends and family. What a horrifying mess. The book somehow had bits and pieces from other saved copies. Also, I had uploaded it onto editing software. This software only took so many pages at a time and that is how it became completely out of order. Somehow the book was a disaster. I am thoroughly embarrassed.

I am now in the process of rewriting and editing my book The Bloody Violins with a friend. I will then republish it and then order more books.

Authors are the best customers for the amazon book store. Have you noticed that?

Thank you for reading my article.

Linda Meckler copyright 2021

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Rioting Coast to Coast

George Floyd was killed by a white Police Officer Derek Chauvin on May 25, 2020, an African-American man, who died in Powderhorn, a neighborhood south of downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Officer Chauvin has been charged with murder. Three other officers were involved in this violence.

 Brutality that has been going on for decades but what happened recently popped the cork and all the hate and violence erupted in a flow that has gone coast to coast.

It is time for the police departments to begin retraining their police. To weed out the bad and giving them their walking papers. People who thrive on violence and hatred are easy to pick out. 

The body cameras were supposed to change this but it hasn’t stopped it.

Also, people should realize every time they are in public somebody is videotaping. Nothing is private anymore.

The protesters have a reason to protest this violence but it should not be destructive.

The people who own the cars, buildings and businesses that are being looted and burned are the victims. They are forced with the destruction of their property. It was thrown in their face emotionally and financially that some will not survive. 

This is the time for change! 

The police departments and the people of their community should work together and make the changes.

The people in charge must listen!


Thank you for reading my article.

Linda Meckler copyright 2021

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Book Marketing

How do I market my published book?

When you have written your book and published it why now? Where do you start getting the word out?

In the world of publishing today there are thousands of books on the market. If you self-publish your book or pay a publisher for this service marketing is still the question. Book stores are few and far between. The e-book has taken the publishing world by storm.

  1. What is the book about? How was it created? Why?
  2. Take public speaking Example: Toastmasters. Talking about your book to groups of people who are interested in your topic.
  3. Blog, Website
  4. Reporter for community newspaper, or magazine.
  5. Local Government – get involved.
  6. Photography
  7. Create your own videos and upload to YouTube.
  8. Talk to people.
  9. Social Media
  10. Etc.

Your excitement about your book is what will sell your book.

Keep writing.

Thank you for reading my article. Please comment.

Linda Meckler  copyright 2021

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Writers How To Publish Free

If you want to do something. Do it yourself.

This is the book that I wrote when I was teaching at an adult school book formatting and publishing.

I found out when I was a new writer floundering around. The big question was. What do I do  with all the articles and stories I had written?

I found a fancy website on the Internet and even went in person to another state to find out about this company. I wanted my book published. Think of the excitement. I wanted to be a published author. Is that you. Is this what you want? This publishing company I went to was sold and my book was never published. I had to fight to get my money back.

I was lucky I had a wonderful friend who was a computer nerd. When he started publishing his writing and books onto the Internet I wanted to know how also. He taught me. Now I want to teach you.

In my book I tell you step by step how to do this. You need a computer and Microsoft Word or some kind of software.

Did you ever hear the saying, “if you want to do something do it yourself.”

That is exactly what I did. I did it myself.

Linda Meckler copyright 2021

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From Chaos to Hope

In the year 2020 we had to endure and listen to the news of the wide spread Corona Virus. The nightmare we all had to live with. Now life as we knew it has crashed and burned. We had to wear masks, wash our hands, and stay six feet apart.

This was a new concept. We are a social people. We want to be with our families. We want to hug our spouse, our kids and grandkids. We want to dine in a restaurant, go to our clubs, play cards, and be social again. But this stopped it for us.

Over the holidays thousands of people said enough is enough and had large family and friend dinners and parties. The virus has spread and is continuing to spread. But.

Striving for Happiness Again.

When the first Pfizer vaccine came to the United States bands should have played. We should have waved our American Flags. With the second arrival of Moderna we should have done the same. Now is the time to have hope.  As the vaccines are being used, we will be able to return to laughing, singing, hugging and kissing safely.

Linda Meckler  copyright 2021