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Prescription Drugs and

If you have medical insurance or do not have insurance it can become a horror story when the medicine you need costs out in space.

You need the medicine, otherwise, the doctor would not have prescribed it in the first place.

Sometimes, the medication can be replaced with another medication the same thing but costs less.

One medication can have many names and with each name a different charge.

But I have found out recently that there is hope. Two websites can help people like me and you that are on a small social security income.

The two websites are and

Now, these two websites need a little work. They can be downloaded to your cell phone.

On their website, you can find your medication and then you can scroll through the different pharmacies that take this website. You can print a coupon or use the one on your cell phone app.

This is a great option for you to know where to go and how much it is going to last.

I truly recommend these two websites when you get hit in the wallet for a ridiculous charge for your medication.

Thank you for reading my article. Let me hear from you.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2022

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California’s Water Horror Story

$27 Billon dollars is waiting to be used for California’s water and electricity. California needs  an adequate infrastructure and a regulatory system. That is only one of the problems with the California water system. 

The Governor is the person who has the authority to start working on building the water system before California does run out of water and electricity.

But isn’t it amazing everywhere you look new homes in different communities are being built by the hundreds. These homes take water to build and once these homes are built water will be needed for indoor and outdoor use.

Yes, we need more housing but if we have a water shortage who gave the go ahead to build thousands of homes.

We are definitely getting a mixed message. Whatever the truth is about California water or lack of it something needs to be done before we turn on the faucet and nothing comes out.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler

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Vote No to kill new born babies

Vote No to murder new born babies.

After assaulting basic human rights for over two years, California Governor Gavin Newsom is working on a new INFANTICIDE bill that would legalize the murder of children up to nine months gestation and in the week(s) after birth. The bill has been proposed by Newsom’s “Future of Abortion Council” which makes recommendations to “strengthen and expand” abortions in the state of California.

Under California AB 2223, a mother will be shielded from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy. These actions include not only abortion in any stage of pregnancy, but also “perinatal death.” Perinatal death is defined as the death of a newborn up to seven days or more.

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Is There Affordable Housing in California





Yes, there is affordable housing in California if you are rich, or have a large income. So, what is the problem? Why do so many people live on the streets?

Most of the people living in California are not rich or have large incomes. That is the problem.

Housing is going up everywhere but can you afford to buy these houses?

Most start at $700,000 and up.

Apartment rentals are rising daily. I wonder if there are empty apartments in California because nobody can afford to rent them.

Now families are doubling up and splitting expenses. Is this the way you want to live sharing your home just so you can pay the electric bill?

The problem keeps escalating and it seems we who live in California feel that this problem that is so important keeps circling the drain and now it funnels down to the sewers.

What is the answer?

Does it seem nobody can come up with an answer? If they did there would be affordable housing for people who need this.

What do you think?

Thank you for reading my article.

Linda Meckler copyright 2022

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Hearing Aids and Tinnitus

I have tinnitus it gets worse every day. My last hearing test showed that the nerve in my ear was deteriorating. In the past when I have had hearing tests my results were within normal limits.

Now with this new test, the ENT doctor finally said that yes you have tinnitus. I have asked doctors over the years why? What is it? But I have never received an answer.

I did know one thing whenever somebody said it was a ringing in my ears, I knew they were crazy. I never had a ringing in my ears I had a buzz saw going off in my brain.

Now with my test result, I got an MRI of my brain and ears and thankfully it was negative. I was sent to two other ENT doctors for different reasons and they all agreed I need hearing aids.

I went through the process of purchasing blue tooth hearing aids. I mainly wanted it for tinnitus.

I want you to know when I do not have the hearing aids in my ears, I have tinnitus. It seems that it gets louder.

I want you to be aware before you pay big bucks for hearing aids that tinnitus doesn’t go away sometimes.

I watched y-tube videos on tinnitus and it is a good education on what tinnitus is after twenty years of wondering the answer was there.

Hearing aids are great for the blue tooth part. Answering phone calls without your cell phone in your hand and listening to music.

I can hear.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2022

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Can You Live On Social Security

Can You Live on Social Security?








Here is the deal. You work the best years of your life and now that you are older your retired. The salary you had been earning for the past years is gone.

Yes, you have earned money from Social Security. But can you live on it?

There are thousands of people living on the streets. Did you ever ask yourself why is that?

The simple reason is Social Security does not pay you enough to live in the inflated world we are living in.

After my rent is paid, I have $100.00 left from my Social Security check.

How much do you have left?

Yeah! Social Security went up this year a few dollars and guess what they took most of the increase out in Medicare Part B payments.

If you are lucky to have a spouse who still brings in an income, is independently wealthy, or receives a retirement check from your employment  – hurrah!

But for most of us out in the world, seniors, who need more help now than ever before there are only the streets.

What do you think?

Thank you for reading my article copyright Linda Meckler 2022

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A Goldfish Christmas

Mork is the name

A Goldfish by fame.

I live in a bowl

 That spins and rolls.

Wend-ee, my Wend-ee

She loves me so

AS I swim around

My goldfish bowl.

I heard her talk

To a friend one day.

She said Christmas

 Was on its way.

She was excited

As I could see

By her rosy red cheeks

Smiling back at me.

As I watched her

 From a far

Her hair flew round

As she jumped

 Up and down.

Mork Oh Mork

 You silly goldfish

You could care less

You’re only a fish.

Not true, not true, Wend-ee

 hear me please

I just want to decorate

My own Christmas Tree.

How can I say this


When you don’t even

Speak fish-e-nese.

Here is your food

 You hungry fish-ie

Enjoy it there’s more

 When you finish this.

I have a tree in my bowl

As you can see

I could decorate it

With the food you give me.

Maybe she’ll get

 The idea fin-a-le

That I want my bowl

To look like a tree

Mork oh Mork

You silly gold fish

What are you doing

Giving me fits.

You silly girl

Can’t you see

I’m decorating

My Christ-mas Tree.

I don’t believe it

But I think I see

 You want to decorate

A Christmas tree.

I’ll bring you Lights

And other delights

 Do your thing

I’ll check back tonight.

0h Mork oh Mork

 I see by your heart

This Christmas Tree

Really look’s smart.

Linda Meckler/author 6/03

Updated 2021 Copyright to Linda Meckler

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Drugs and Copays

When you go to the pharmacy you might have a copay to pay.

If you do and the druggist gives you an amount you know is wrong, question it.

This happened to me. I had taken this drug once before and my copay was $9.00. When I went to pick up my medication again the druggist asked for 99.00 dollars.

Do you think I paid 99.00 dollars?

Of course not. I said that is wrong.

The druggist said this is what the computer says.

I said, “check this my insurance company and call me when it is fixed.”

I received a call back from the pharmacy, and it was a computer error.

So, if it was a computer error is it my fault?

Stand up for yourself.

If you need your drugs speak out.

Get the pharmacist to call your insurance company.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021

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Drug Check

When you are picking up your drugs from the pharmacy these are the things you should check before you take them home. This could be a life or death drug mistake.

Make sure your name is spelled correctly. There are many people with the same name or others with similar names.

Check the date of birth on the bottle. Is it yours?

Check the name of the drug. Is this what you take?

Check the amount of the pills in the bottle.  Is it correct?

Check to see if the refills have been applied to your drug.

Yes, the label is computer generated but humans put the information into the computer and humans make mistakes.

In most cases, your prescription is emailed to your pharmacy without anyone having to read the doctor’s handwriting. But there are still handwritten prescriptions and the person reading it could read it wrong.


Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021


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The Miracle of Hearing Aids and Tinnitus

I was one of these hard-headed people who didn’t think I needed hearing aids. Every year I had a hearing test and it came out within-in normal hearing.

This last hearing test came out differently. It said my hearing was declining. Is that why I turned the television up? Is that why I always used my phone on speaker so I could hear the person speaking?

I checked out a few hearing aid places and from the prices being sky high and their presentation, I wasn’t impressed.

My tinnitus or white snow sounds were harboring on I want brain surgery to remove whatever was shrieking in my ears 24-7. After years of asking why I have tinnitus and what causes it, I was answered. My usual answer was there is not a known reason for tinnitus. But this time I was given the reason. The brain receptors were broken. Instead of the brain commuting with other receptors of the brain it was broken and the brain filled in the space with white noise, or electricidal screaming, or whatever you hear. Also, the nerve was shutting down. It was nice to know what was making my life so miserable.

I made an appointment for Costco where I know people that have gotten their hearing aids there. I was very impressed with the presentation and I had a free hearing test different from the usual hearing tests. This test was geared to the blue tooth hearing I needed.

After the hearing test, I was shown the hearing aids I needed and told the price and was happy to hear that the hearing test was free and it was under warranty for two years.

Three weeks later I received my hearing aids. The hearing aids sit on top of the ear not behind. There is a small piece that goes in the ear.

Because of the blue tooth capabilities, I can hear clearly on the phone. I can answer the phone even if it is in another room. My tinnitus while wearing my hearing aids is down. I haven’t had them long and I hope it will get better than this. But when I remove them, my tinnitus comes back full blast.

Hearing aids have come a long way from the old battery-powered ones.

Thank you for reading my article.

Copyright Linda Meckler 2021